It is our mission to provide a peaceful, comfortable setting to offer professional, complementary health options to the general public.
Essential oils are the concentrated essence of plants, containing the scent and unique healing properties of each individual plant. Each oil can address specific symptoms; physical, emotional, psychological. Come for this short introduction on how to use essential oils to benefit yourself, as well as your family and friends.
We will begin with a few major oils and learn:
• the general classification by the energetics of each oil
• different ways to use them…topically, inhalation, diffuser
• how to determine which to use for a particular symptom
• how to an oil on specific acupuncture points for specific issues
• Class is taught by Dixie Mullineaux LAc., MAc.
Cost: $65. Preregistration is required with a $30 deposit. Mail to Dixie at Ruscombe or place in her mailbox in the main office.
You can contact Dixie at 410-458-2806 or